Monday, April 11, 2011

:: Belajar Bahasa Inggeris - Perkara S.E.R.I.U.S!

Petikan artikel di bawah disalin dari laman web The Star Online. Artikel yang sama telah menjadi tajuk utama akhbar Sunday Star semalam (10 April 2011).

Antara perkara penting yang ditekankan dalam artikel berkenaan :

(a) Kemungkinan BESAR kelulusan akademik tidak dapat menjanjikan kerjaya terbaik yang diidamkan selama ini kecuali calon boleh bercakap dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan baik.

(b) Melalui maklumbalas yang diterima daripada syarikat-syarikat tempatan dan luar negara, dua kebolehan tersebut amat penting dan paling diutamakan.

(c) Tinjaun terbaru Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) mendapati bahawa 68% syarikat mengutamakan kebolehan berkomunikasi (dalam bahasa Inggeris).

(d) Ramai graduan gagal mendapat tempat dalam syarikat swasta/korporat terutamanya kerana tidak boleh berbahasa Inggeris dengan baik atau dengan betul (Syalina : Mengingatkan saya kepada Manglish yang mungkin telah merosakkan segala-galanya!)

(e) Mereka yang gagal menguasai bahasa Inggeris dengan baik hanya dapat menempatkan diri dalam syarikat-syarikat kecil sahaja.

MEF Salary Survey for Executives 2010
(Sunday Star, 10 April 2011)

Verbal and written communication skills - 68%

Working experience - 68%

Interpersonal skills - 56.2%

Passion & commitment - 55.7%

Team player - 47.8%

The right degree - 46.3%

Good academic results - 37.9%

Desire to learn - 37.9%

Work well under pressure - 34%

Take initiative - 32.5%

Saudara. Bagi kita yang sudah tidak bekerja atau sudah mempunyai kerjaya idaman, mempelajari bahasa Inggeris mungkin sekadar untuk 'suka-suka' sahaja. Pun begitu saudara, bagi anak-anak atau adik-adik kita yang masih belajar, mempelajari bahasa Inggeris sudah menjadi satu kemestian pada hari ini.

Pada pertengahan tahun 90an dahulu iaitu ketika saya sedang mencari pekerjaan, kesemua syarikat yang saya pergi telah menjalankan temuduga dalam bahasa Inggeris. Itu dahulu. Bayangkan pula sekarang!

Dengan ramai graduan yang masih menganggur, persaingan menjadi semakin sengit. Untuk itu, berusahalah menanam minat dalam diri mereka bagi mempelajari bahasa Inggeris. Mulakan sekarang!


PETALING JAYA: It does not matter if you are top of your class or have a string of degrees, that dream job will not be yours unless you can speak and write well in English.

Feedback from local and international employers shows that verbal and written communication skills in English remain the most sought-after attribute in prospective employees.

According to a recent Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) survey, it is the most important trait employers look for when recruiting graduates.

The MEF Salary Survey for Executives 2010 revealed that 68% of the companies surveyed named communication skills as the top quality required in job applicants, followed by working experience (67%), interpersonal skills (56.2%) and passion and commitment (55.7%).

MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan said globalisation had changed the nature of jobs, making communication skills, specifically in English, a valuable asset for today's worker.

He added that this was an essential criterion even for professions traditionally seen as "backroom" staff such as engineers, technical personnel and scientists. "It is especially so for those working in multinationals and bigger firms," he said.

"Today, our clients are worldwide. In factories, for instance, engineers are a different breed from the past," said Shamsuddin.

"Now, they have to be involved in various aspects of business and interact with clients."

Shamsuddin expressed concern that many local graduates today could not speak or write proper English, saying this was a reason why they faced difficulties getting jobs in the private sector.

Kelly Services (M) Sdn Bhd managing director Melissa Norman concurred, noting that six in 10 graduates who attended its interviews could not communicate effectively in English.

The company is one of the top headhunters in the country.

Norman said it was important to master English as it was widely used among the business community, both in Malaysia and internationally.

The Kelly Global Workforce Index survey released in 2010 listed "communication skills" as one of the top five most desired skills within the corporate sector.

"We have encountered local graduates who are weak in spoken and written English and have limited vocabulary," said Norman.

"These candidates can only manage to secure jobs in small-medium enterprises and small businesses."

Various industry and business leaders also warned that the decline in English was affecting Malaysia's global competitiveness.

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers President Tan Sri Mustafa Mansur said the young ones who could not communicate in English were unable to negotiate the best deals in business transactions or investments.

"We need to send people out to market our products, negotiate deals or get contracts signed. If they cannot communicate well in English, we will lose out," he said.

Pemudah co-chair Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon pointed out that, contrary to popular belief, it was important for civil servants to have a good command of English due to a growing borderless world.

"The standard of English also affects the quality of the public sector as civil servants have to interact with international citizens and the business world as well as articulate Malaysia's stand on issues to the international community. These include negotiations on important agreements such as trade agreements."

Noting that the quality of English in the country had declined over the last two decades, former Human Resource Minister Tan Sri Fong Chan Onn warned that the country would lose out to its neighbours that did not teach English in schools previously.

"Thailand, Indonesia and China are making efforts to improve their English through their education system," he noted.

Artikel berguna lain :

"Minding Our Language"

"That Special Edge"

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